How Worxbee Can Help Me as a Nonprofit

Nonprofit leadership team meeting

If you run a nonprofit, you know that there are always a million things to do and never enough time to finish them. However, productivity isn’t just about getting as much done as possible; it’s about creating a smart workflow to prioritize your goals. You have plenty of enthusiasm and drive for your non-profit to do well.  Now you just need help with the day to day. To help you save some time, we’ve created a list of 4 easy ways a Virtual Executive Assistant can help make your non-profit more productive.

1. Setting Up Process For Time Management 

In order to be smart about how you use your time, it’s a good idea to start keeping track of how you spend your day. Keeping a log of your daily activities and how much time you spend on them will allow you to access what tasks need more time than others. It can also help you spot any period during the day when you’re wasting time. A true Virtual Executive Assistant can help you eliminate wasted time. by setting up processes for productivity and taking the majority of the administrative tasks off your plate. They are experts at identifying what needs to be done in order to optimize and protect your time. They have done this before!

2. Scheduling and Prioritizing Tasks

Once your time management is under control, you’ll have an easier time creating an agenda and a prioritized task list. Having a schedule of what and when you do things will keep you focused. When you finish one task you won’t have to worry about what to start on next. With your day scheduled out, you can also figure out what tasks need your attention first like tasks with fast approaching deadlines or tasks that take a long time to complete. Your Virtual Executive Assistant can help schedule all of you meetings and calls, and keep your calendar up to date. One useful tool we use for scheduling is Calendly.

3. Dropping Your Multitasking Habits

We often think that juggling multiple tasks at once is a great way to stay productive, but the truth is that multitasking can lead to poor mistakes. Handling more than one task at a time is distracting. Multitasking is also mentally draining. If you want to improve your performance and productivity it’s actually better to complete one task at a time and then move on to the next task on your priority list. If you have a talented Virtual Executive Assistant by your side, you will be able to focus on your main objectives. Leaving the scheduling, email management, meeting prep, etc. to them.

4. Helping with Board and Team Communication

Your Virtual Executive Assistant can also help keep everyone in the loop, scheduling meetings, conference calls, and organizing events. We know first hand how difficult it can be to work with people in different geographical locations, all with differing schedules. Our Virtual Executive Assistants  are experts in the arena. They can collaborate and communicate with  your team and prepare everyone with objectives, agendas, and goals.

These are the most common ways a Virtual Executive Assistant can help any non-profit succeed, but there are many tasks a Virtual Executive Assistant can take off your plate. What's  on your list? What is something you always say, “If I had the time, I would make ___ happen."

Schedule a complimentary consultation today to learn more about hiring a Virtual Executive Assistant for your nonprofit organization today.


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