Top Business Tips for a COVID-19 World

Home Office Desk with Laptop

Overall, we all need to aim to be empathetic but smart. This is an uncertain time for many people and businesses are trying to make sense of it. As a business leader, there are steps you can take to move your business forward:

Roll out curated content and customizable plans to help clients in the COVID-19 world. Do your clients know how to use necessary technology to keep their business going? Do they need help strategizing on a particular topic? Do they need to upgrade or downgrade their service due to financial needs? Now is the time to step in and lend a hand.

Pivot your offerings if you can. It may be necessary to change how a service or product is offered to the consumer. Being creative will be key in the these unprecedented times. As the world has changed, so has the business landscape. Understanding consumers current needs will be essential. Consumers will not continue to purchase the same now and after the pandemic is over. Adapting as a business will be key in not only surviving but thriving going forward.

Communicate with clients and employees more(wellness checks, messages, and videos). One thing we have done is increased communication amongst the team and with our clients. We conduct weekly wellness checks, reach out to clients often, keep communication rolling on Slack, and have weekly video messages from our CEO. People like to hear from leadership during uncertain times, but it is also a best practice to keep the communication consistent all year long.

Inform clients of new offerings through newsletters, blogs, and social media. Once you do make a full transition and pivot your current offerings, you will want to align your content to reach your client base to let everyone know what you now offer and how it's beneficial to them!

Keep training going and up-skill everyone. Now is the time to train employees in new skills if at all possible. Whereas one may have to be creative in how the training is given, it is important to get ahead in training while business may be slow. By focusing on training now, employees will be set up for success in the long run.. Taking time in this slow period to invest in the most important company resource, the employees, a business can set itself up for even more success in the near future and beyond.

Educate, educate, educate- sharing knowledge will be key. Selling is not the way to sell right now. It is important to help people, now more than ever. Have you learned a new way to solve a problem ? A new way to secure your Zoom account? The name of a great Bookeeper? Share it. Being empathetic and helpful is the key to building trust with your target market.

Continue to live your core values and move forward. How you respond in crisis is very telling when it comes to your culture and core values. Bringing culture to the forefront will help everyone in the organization thrive together. Supporting one another is of the upmost importance right now. Remember that reputations are built during challenging times as well.

If you or a peer would like assistance bringing your business virtual, please schedule a complimentary consultation.


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