Virtual Executive Assistant Onboarding: Best Practice #4 Set Clear Expectations

Leader talking with team

A positive onboarding process is essential when starting service with a new Virtual Executive Assistant (VEA). In this series we are going through 5 best practices for onboarding a new Virtual Executive Assistant. The onboarding process really shows the true value a talented Virtual Executive Assistant can bring to any business and kicks things off on the right foot. It is essential for long-term success! Read on to learn the best practice for onboarding a new Virtual Executive Assistant:

Set Clear Expectations

Expectations are very important for the success of the organization and really help everyone in the long run. A good way to get started is to create a re-occuring weekly call or video conference to go over objectives, goals, and deadlines. During the first onboarding call, you can kick things off with some important questions:

  • What keeps you up at night?

  • What "fires" need to be put out immediately?

  • What are the long-term and short-term goals?

  • What needs to happen for you to achieve more of a work/life balance?

  • Who should be contacted in an emergency?

Doing a deep dive with your team will really help everyone understand the expectations of who is responsible for what, what is priority, and what the deadlines are. Your Virtual Executive Assistant can then do a recap email at the end of every week, sharing what was accomplished, what they need from you as a client, what they anticipate doing next week, and what has yet to be done. This helps you not only recap, it also helps everyone gain more clarity around what is expected of them.

Once you have clear expectations that have been discussed, written down, and evaluated on a weekly basis everyone can get to work!

Interested in learning more about our talented Virtual Executive Assistants? Schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more about how one of our experienced Virtual Executive Assistants can help you.


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