Virtual Executive Assistant Spotlight- LaurieAnn

Worxbee Virtual Executive Assistant - LaurieAnn

LaurieAnn is one of our newest Executive Assistants! With over 20 years of experience in the Virtual Executive Assistant role, LaurieAnn is well-positioned to bring strong value while increasing productivity through excellent oversight, a focus on growth, and fostering a healthy company environment. She is also a #TEAMCHAMPION VEA type. When LaurieAnn is not working with clients, she likes to spend quality time with her family. She enjoys baking, watching old movies, watching sports her children are involved in and traveling during her free time. Read on to learn more about LaurieAnn!

When did you join Worxbee? July 29, 2019

What is your best piece of advice for someone starting out in this industry? Take lots of notes, update your skills on all the latest technology, always be a step ahead of your Executive at all times, and make sure you are quick to respond to any and all requests even if you don't have to do anything right this minute, always let them know that you are ready and available at the drop of a hat.

Fun Fact? I am in a blended family and together we have 11 children! :woman::woman::woman::woman::woman::woman::woman::woman::man::man::man:

What are you most proud of? I am most proud of a compliment I received from the President of Cingular Wireless, who I worked with for 3 years. He said, "I worked my last three weeks, like I worked my first three weeks!" Huge compliment that I am extremely proud of.

What do you do in your free time? In my free time I spend time with my family. I have a boy in baseball and a girl in cheerleading. So, we attend a lot of baseball and football games.

If you could wake up tomorrow having gained one quality or ability, what would it be and why? If I gained one quality or ability, it would be the ability to fly so I could fly around the world and see my family that is spread all over. 

Who do you most admire and why? I most admire my grandmother because she is extremely wise, reliable, stable and loves me unconditionally.

Last book you read? Last book I read was the Bible.


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