Calendar Management Tips From the Worxbee Team

Woman with calendar on computer

Is there anything more important than a good calendar? We don't think so. Many of the executives, CEOs, and business leaders we support would agree, calendar management is key when trying to stay on schedule.

We've complied a list of tried and true tips Executive Assistants can use from our team:

Know your executive

Before you start scheduling, get to know the person you are supporting. Where do they like to sit on the plane? When do they need downtime? Who's in their inner circle? When are they most productive? Spend some time shadowing them, getting to know their daily routine, and looking at past calendars to get started.

Be detail oriented

There are a million ways to be detail oriented. A few tips that relate to calendar include always adding necessary documents to invites, grouping related meetings and calls together, including multiple phone numbers in case people have trouble connecting, and labeling each meeting with specific headings. Always make sure to check traffic and weather reports in case of last minute changes!

Protect their time

At the end of the day, the Executive wants to make sure they have the time to work on their main objectives and not be bogged down working on the administrative tasks. A true Executive Assistant (EA) will come in and make sure they have time to work on their business instead of in the business. They will also make sure the Executive always has the free time they need to re-charge.

Don't be afraid to layer calendars

Each calendar can be layered together to avoid double-booking. Some options include personal, time-off, events, sales meetings, and everyday tasks. The Executive Assistant can set them up to best suit the Executive and their needs.

Utilize technology

There are tons of applications that integrate with calendars to make your life easier. One of the favorites among our team is Calendly. Calendly allows you to set up meetings without all the back and forth emails. You simply set the Executive's availability and preferences, Calendly then does the work. It really takes the pain out of scheduling. Another great resource is OGCS (Outlook Google Calendar Sync) which allows users to sync Google and Outlook Calendars.

Set up a process

Create a clear process around calendar management to meet business goals and objectives. First of all, no one should edit or manage the Executive's calendar except the Executive Assistant. Everything should go through the Executive Assistant to avoid clutter and confusion.

Overall, the Executive Assistant should be the gatekeeper of the calendar!

Feel free to schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more about how one of our experienced Virtual Executive Assistants can help you set up a process to accomplish your business goals!


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