Virtual Executive Assistant Onboarding: Best Practice #5- Establish Trust

Missing puzzle piece with the word trust

In this series we've explored four best practices for on-boarding a new Virtual Executive Assistant.

  1. Communicate

  2. Set Up Process

  3. Provide Ongoing Feedback

  4. Set Clear Expectations

Which all lead to our 5th and final best practice: Establish Trust

The foundation of any lasting relationship, professional or personal, is trust. It is easier said than done and it will take some time. In any professional relationship, team members have to know others will deliver on promises, support shared goals, pitch in during challenging times, provide feedback, and maintain open communication.

In order to establish trust you must make yourself vulnerable and not put on a front of being perfect or putting on a show to guard against people getting to know you. Strengthen the team bond by placing your trust in team members—and trusting them to do the same.

We hope you enjoyed this blog series! If you would like to learn how an Executive Assistant can help your business please schedule a complimentary consultation today.


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