Business Owners, Learn How You Can Double Your Revenue

Two men shaking hands

An Open Letter To Business Owners,

You’ve started your own business. Woo hoo! It’s been a long time coming. Lots of planning, saving, financing, and maybe even tons of stress.

But now, you’ve started advertising and you’re making your way into the marketplace to reach potential customers. Voila! New clients are starting to come in. Before you dive in too deep, have you automated any processes?

Do you know what can be automated? Let’s take a look together and break it all down by customer cycles.


There are tasks within the marketing cycle that can be automated or at the very least, semi-automated. Doing so will leave you with more time for lead engagement. Of course, lead engagement is crucial because that involves the sale, which means you’re earning more and growing your business.


So now that you’ve engaged that lead, we hone in on the sales cycle. It involves the opt-in or purchase process, thus developing some automation here will give you back more time for new customer onboarding and engagement. You don’t want to get new clients just to inadvertently  disappoint them from the start.


Okay. You’ve got clients to onboard. Streamlining the new client process could be incredibly beneficial to the growth of your business. Now you’ll have more time for… Can you guess what? Relationship building!

Customer Service

This takes you to the customer service side of things. Which, if you’re not careful, could become detrimental to your time because here is where you really need to start thinking about circling back around to getting new clients, instead of managing the ones you have now.

So, as your business scales, adding staff is a natural part of the growth process. But, what if this need isn’t financially feasible for you yet?

Starting with a Virtual Executive Assistant will help you reach the business growth you want, and overcome the scaling hurdle seamlessly when it’s time. As your Productivity Partner, we help you regain valuable tangibles like:

  • Your time

  • More revenue

Here’s the average business owner’s daily grind:

Pie chart showing how business owners time is spent
  • 25% of your day is spent managing customer service and being in touch with existing clients

  • 20% of your day you’re selling to close new clients

  • 55% of your day is focused on business infrastructure, internal meetings, etc.

But, what if it didn’t have to be?

Your Virtual Executive Assistant will protect your time. So on average your daily productivity could improve like this:

pie chart showing how virtual executive assistant could improve productivity
  • 10% of your day is spent managing customer service escalations only

  • 25 - 60% of your day is closing new business

  • 25 - 30% of your day is focused on infrastructure and internal meetings

This is a huge change in the way you’re doing business. Get ready to double your revenue because now your time is protected.

Reallocate some of that time to focus on income generating tasks instead of administrative ones.

Ready to get started? Give yourself a high five, and schedule a complimentary consultation now.

Wishing you unparalleled productivity and business growth in this new year,

Team Worxbee


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