How Worxbee Can Help Me as a Small Business

Small Business Team

Often times, when you hear the term "Executive Assistant" you think of an Assistant that supports the C-suite at a large corporation. With Worxbee, this has changed! Most of our clients are small businesses, and our model provides ease of access to a high-caliber and experienced Executive Assistant, which increases small business productivity with less overhead!

Many of our clients have hired virtual assistants in the past, and found out quickly that they needed someone at that high level that can really help them take on challenges and manage the day to day operations of their business. At Worxbee we pair businesses of all sizes with a pre-vetted Virtual Executive Assistant (VEA) based on their specific administrative needs within a package of hours that makes the most sense for them.

As a small business owner, we know there are not enough hours in your day. To help you save some time, we’ve created a list of 4 easy ways a Virtual Executive Assistant can help make your small business more productive.

1. Streamlining Systems and Processes 

When new clients sign up for our services, they usually need support yesterday! Streamlining systems and processes is an easy way that a Virtual Executive Assistant can help set up a small businesses for productivity. They will dig into your current process and systems, rework them, and set you up for success! Virtual Executive Assistants are always thinking of the spin-off effects of whatever they are working on, not just checking off a list.

2. Protecting Your Time

More time equals higher productivity, which turns into higher revenue. Are you caught up in the operational tasks of you business? Our Virtual Executive Assistants are experts at protecting their client's time so they can focus on their business instead of being tied up working in the business.

3. Helping With Client and Team Communication

Your Virtual Executive Assistant can help keep everyone in the loop, scheduling meetings, conference calls, and organizing virtual and in-person events. We know first hand how difficult it can be to work with people in different geographical locations, all with differing schedules. Our Virtual Executive Assistants  are experts in the arena. They can collaborate and communicate with your team and prepare everyone with objectives, agendas, and goals.

4. Tracking Metrics and KPIs

In a small business setting, it is easy to let this fall to the back burner, but it is very important to track business metrics in order to scale and level-up any business. A Virtual Executive Assistant can easily track specific metrics that will ultimately lead to long-term growth for your business.

Let Worxbee Help You Succeed

These are the most common ways a Virtual Executive Assistant can help any small business succeed, but there are many tasks a Virtual Executive Assistant can take off your plate. What’s on your list!?

Schedule a complimentary consultation today to discover how a Worxbee Virtual Executive Assistant can help your business.


Virtual Executive Assistant or Virtual Assistant? How the Roles Compare


Core Value Focus: Being a Student of Your Craft