Ways to Be There for Your Team

Woman on Laptop

Business is changing, and right now business is not as usual. Even if your company was virtual before the pandemic, many remote workers are still feeling the negative affects. Which means, now more that ever, it’s important to keep connected with your team members. Read on to learn how we’re staying connected to our team!

Wellness Checks

Is there a team member or colleague that your haven’t heard from recently? Do some of your team members live alone? One way to avoid worrying is to implement a weekly wellness check. It is a simple practice. Just pick a time each week to give team members a quick call or email to see how they’re feeling and doing.

Setting Core Hours

We’ve said it before, we’ll say it again! Implement core hours. Core hours are set hours that our team members are available to one another during a given day. We are available to each our from 10am to 3pm. We get all of our calls and heavy task load completed during this time. If we need to complete an additional task, the timing is flexible. Maintaining a balance of focused alone time and collaboration with team members through core hours is key to happier, more productive team members.

Sharing WOW moments

We have amazing team of virtual executive assistants (VEAs) that go above and beyond the call of duty everyday to make it happen! We make sure to share their unique wow stories. Everyone could use a bit of inspiration these days, we make it a weekly practice. Each #WOWwednesday we reach out to our community and ask them to share different ways they have wowed someone, or have been wowed by another person. Examples include going to extra mile for someone they support or amazing acts of kindness they encounter.

All in all, your team members just want to feel like a valued human being during this time. It doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy to show you care!


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