Virtual Executive Assistant Spotlight- Anna

Worxbee Virtual Executive Assistant Spotlight - Anna

Anna Viola is a Worxbee Virtual Executive Assistant who works with retired CEOs, small business owners and Tech startups to help them grow their business and get more organized. Anna likes streamlining processes to ensure the companies she works with become more efficient and more productive. A fun fact about Anna is that she speaks three languages: English, Spanish and Filipino!

When did you start partnering with Worxbee? I reached out to Worxbee when we were first starting to move from San Diego to Atlanta.  That was back in March of 2018, but I was not fully able to commit till much later on after we had settled from our move. I signed up for my first official client with Worxbee in August.

What is your favorite movie? "The Sound of Music" with Julie Andrews has always been my favorite childhood movie...and honestly my favorite grown up movie as well.  I've probably seen it 50+ times.

What do you like to do when you are not delighting your clients? I love to travel to places most people have never heard of.  I love to hike, I love to cook, and I love to craft.

If you could go back, what would you tell yourself at the start of your career? Pursue your dreams, follow your intuition, go with your passion.  Take risks.  Go with the career that makes you happy.

Where is your home town? Manila, Philippines.  I was born there, and grew up all over the globe (eventually settling in the North Georgia Mountains)--but my soul belongs to the islands of the Philippines.

Who do you admire most in the world and why? My mom.  We moved to Venezuela, a million miles away from the Philippines when I was 7.  Without knowing anyone there and without knowing the language, she made a home for us, found side jobs to keep her busy, and built her own network of friends and family.  She thrived.  She built her own happiness wherever she went.

Do you have any hidden talents? I can play the piano (I studied classical piano for 10 years), and I self-taught the ukulele.  I also can make an amazing risotto.

What is your favorite part about working virtually? I love being able to work with my clients, but also set my own schedule.  I love the work-life balance it allows.  Being able to spend time with my family is worth everything.  Working virtually has allowed me to grow my career and at the same time be there for my family.


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