Worxbee Buzz
Discover the latest tips, trends, and insights for busy executives and Virtual Executive Assistants.
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See You Later, Delegator!
It’s not always easy to hand off a beloved pet project, or even a more mundane one. Here are some tips to help you clear your workload in order to free you up to forge ahead.
How to List!
Like it or not, lists are a great way of focusing on your productivity, and here is a list of list tips to help you get started.
Rethinking Productivity
Nowadays, companies can’t just gauge productivity merely with data or across-the-board measurements. Higher-level studies have shown that workers display different behaviors in their ways of completing tasks.
12 Tips for Preparing a Work Vacation
Here are 12 tips to make sure that you have the best possible recreation time.
Anti-Stressing Your Vacation
Vacations are supposed to be a break from stress, but planning a vacation can sometimes end up being even more of a drain on our resources. That’s where an Executive Assistant can help!