The Top 10 Questions Prospective Customers Ask 

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1. How do you match a Virtual Executive Assistant to my specific needs?

At Worxbee, we believe that a successful working relationship starts with a perfect match. Here’s how we make that happen:

  1. Initial Consultation: First, we chat with you to get a deep understanding of your business and the tasks you need help with. This helps us paint a clear picture of what you’re looking for in a Virtual Executive Assistant.

  2. Personalized Assessment: Next, you take a quick Business DNA® assessment. This is a thorough evaluation of your behavioral traits and communication preferences. Think of it as a deep dive into your work style, which helps us pinpoint exactly which Worxbee Virtual Executive Assistants will mesh well with you.

  3. Candidate Selection: Based on the insights from the consultation and assessment, we tap into our extensive network of pre-vetted, highly skilled Virtual Executive Assistants. We handpick candidates who not only have the right skills but also align with your personality and work style. You interview and select your ideal match for a perfectly customized fit.

We take pride in this personalized matching process because it ensures that you get an Executive Assistant who is perfectly suited to help you succeed. It’s all about finding that ideal fit to enhance your productivity and streamline your operations.

RELATED: 5 Reasons Why Finding the Perfect Executive Assistant Match Matters

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2. What is the difference between a Virtual Assistant (VA) and Virtual Executive Assistant (VEA)?

While both Virtual Assistants (VAs) and Virtual Executive Assistants (VEAs) provide remote support, there are some key differences that set them apart. 

Virtual Assistant (VA):

  • General Support: Virtual Assistants typically handle a wide range of basic administrative tasks such as data entry, scheduling, email management, and basic customer service.

  • Task-Focused: They are generally task-oriented and can manage specific projects or daily routines that do not require deep integration into your business operations.

  • Varied Experience: Virtual Assistants may come from diverse backgrounds with varying levels of experience.

Virtual Executive Assistant (VEA):

  • High-Level Support: Virtual Executive Assistants offer more specialized support, focusing on high-level administrative and strategic tasks that are crucial for executive leadership.

  • Integrated Role: They work closely with executives, understanding the nuances of their roles and providing support that is deeply integrated into the executive's workflow and decision-making processes.

  • Extensive Experience: Virtual Executive Assistants usually have significant experience in executive support roles, often with expertise in managing complex projects, coordinating with stakeholders, and handling sensitive information.

At Worxbee, we are dedicated to providing only Virtual Executive Assistants, ensuring that you receive top-tier, specialized support tailored to meet the needs of executives and senior leaders. If you're looking for someone to not only manage tasks but also help you drive your business forward, a Virtual Executive Assistant is the way to go.

QUIZ: Take our quick quiz to determine if you need a VA or VEA

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3. Why should I choose onshore Virtual Executive Assistant support over offshore support?

While onshore Virtual Executive Assistant support might come with a higher price tag compared to offshore options, the benefits you receive can make a significant difference in the quality and effectiveness of the support. Here’s why onshore Virtual Executive Assistant support is worth the investment:

  • Superior Communication: Onshore Virtual Executive Assistants share the same language and cultural background, ensuring clearer communication and fewer misunderstandings. They grasp cultural nuances, including sarcasm, making interactions more natural. Instructions are followed more accurately, reducing errors.

  • Aligned Working Hours: Onshore Virtual Executive Assistants operate in the same or similar time zones, allowing for synchronous work and quick responses to urgent requests. Scheduling meetings and appointments is straightforward without the need to juggle different time zones.

  • Higher Security Standards: Onshore Virtual Executive Assistants adhere to the same local data protection laws as your business, ensuring better compliance and higher security standards. You can trust that your sensitive information is handled securely and professionally.

  • True Executive Assistant Support: Onshore Virtual Executive Assistants have a clear understanding of the Executive Assistant role as defined by local business standards. They possess the expertise needed for high-level tasks such as strategic planning, stakeholder communication, and complex project management.

  • Stability and Job Satisfaction: Onshore Virtual Executive Assistants typically experience higher job satisfaction and lower turnover rates, providing you with consistent, long-term support. A stable working relationship allows your Virtual Executive Assistant to deeply understand your business, leading to enhanced productivity and efficiency.

While the cost of onshore Virtual Executive Assistant support may be higher, the benefits can lead to a more productive and successful partnership. At Worxbee, we are committed to providing top-tier, 100% U.S.-based Virtual Executive Assistants who are dedicated to helping you achieve your business goals.

RELATED: 5 Reasons to Choose Onshore Virtual Executive Assistant Support Over Offshore

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4. How do you ensure the security and confidentiality of my information?

Ensuring the security and confidentiality of sensitive information is a critical concern when hiring a Virtual Executive Assistant. While Worxbee Executive Assistants uphold the highest standards of professionalism and discretion, here are some effective strategies clients can adopt to maintain robust security:

  • Use Secure Technology Platforms: Clients should utilize secure, encrypted communication and data management platforms for their interactions with Virtual Executive Assistants. Tools such as encrypted email services and secure cloud storage like LastPass for password management, and Google Workspace, Dropbox, or OneDrive for document handling can significantly enhance data security.

  • Regular Security Training: While Virtual Executive Assistants often come with a background in handling sensitive information securely, clients can also provide specific security training related to their particular business needs and tools. This ensures everyone is aligned with the company’s security protocols.

  • Controlled Access and Monitoring: Clients should implement strict access controls to ensure that Virtual Executive Assistants have access only to the information necessary for their tasks. Using tools that log access and activities can help monitor interactions with sensitive data and maintain accountability.

  • Implement Confidentiality Agreements: While all Worxbee Executive Assistants sign a confidentiality agreement that includes their work with Worxbee clients, it's advisable for businesses to require their own confidentiality agreements to be signed before commencing work. These agreements serve as a legal framework that ensures all parties understand and commit to maintaining confidentiality.

By adopting these security measures, clients can significantly mitigate risks and ensure that their collaboration with Virtual Executive Assistants remains secure and confidential.

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5. What qualifications and experience do your Virtual Executive Assistants have?

At Worxbee, our Virtual Executive Assistants are top-tier professionals who bring a wealth of experience and expertise to their roles. Here’s what sets our Virtual Executive Assistants apart:

  • 100% U.S.-Based: All of our Virtual Executive Assistants are based in the United States, ensuring seamless communication, cultural alignment, and adherence to local business standards and practices.

  • Rigorous Screening Process: Our Virtual Executive Assistants undergo a thorough screening process that includes skills assessments, background checks, and multiple interviews. This rigorous process ensures that only the most qualified and capable professionals join our team.

  • Extensive Experience: Our Virtual Executive Assistants have, on average, over 10 years of experience in executive support roles. They possess a deep understanding of high-level administrative and strategic tasks, making them invaluable assets to your business.

  • Ongoing Training and Development: We provide our Virtual Executive Assistants with continuous resources for training and professional development. This commitment to growth ensures they stay updated with the latest tools, technologies, and best practices in executive support.

By partnering with Worxbee, you can be confident that you are working with experienced and highly skilled Virtual Executive Assistants who are dedicated to enhancing your productivity and helping you achieve your business goals.

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6. What is the process to get started with Worxbee?

Getting started with Worxbee is a straightforward and personalized process. Here’s a step-by-step overview:

1. Initial Consultation:

  • Overview: We start with a detailed consultation to understand your business, the tasks you need assistance with, and your preferences.

  • Purpose: This helps us get a clear picture of your specific requirements and expectations.

2. Personalized Assessment:

  • Deep Dive: You take our quick Business DNA® assessment, which dives into your behavioral traits, work style, and communication preferences.

  • Purpose: This critical step uncovers the nuances of your work style, providing the foundation for finding your ideal Virtual Executive Assistant match.

3. Candidate Selection:

  • Network Access: We utilize our extensive network of pre-vetted, highly skilled Virtual Executive Assistants to find candidates who align with your unique needs.

  • Purpose: Here’s where the magic happens! We use science and our extensive experience to find your perfect Virtual Executive Assistant match that not only has the skills needed but also aligns perfectly with your personality and work style for a truly personalized match.

4. Interviews:

  • Interviews: We introduce you to several Virtual Executive Assistant candidates who match your unique needs. You have the opportunity to interview these candidates to select the perfect fit for your needs.

  • Purpose: Most other Virtual Executive Assistant service providers don’t give you the opportunity to interview Virtual Executive Assistants, but we believe there is some intangible magic in this step - seeing the perfect fit come to life is truly exciting!

5. Kickoff Call:

  • Official Start: Once you’ve chosen your Virtual Executive Assistant, the partnership officially begins with a kickoff call guided by your dedicated Worxbee Customer Success Manager. This call includes you and your new Virtual Executive Assistant.

  • Purpose: The kickoff call focuses on laying the groundwork for a productive and successful partnership.

6. Ongoing Support and Adjustments:

  • Continued Assistance: Even after the match is made, we provide ongoing support to ensure a successful working relationship.

  • Purpose: We are with you every step of the way for a truly personal experience. If your needs change or you require additional assistance, we’re here to help make any necessary adjustments.

By following this detailed and personalized process, we ensure that you receive a Virtual Executive Assistant who is not only highly skilled but also perfectly suited to your business needs and work style. This approach maximizes the effectiveness of the support you receive, helping you achieve your business goals more efficiently.

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7. How flexible are your Virtual Executive Assistant services?

Flexibility is a cornerstone of Worxbee’s Virtual Executive Assistant services. We understand that your business needs can change, and we’re here to adapt alongside you. Here’s how we ensure our services are both flexible and scalable:

Customizable Support Levels:

  • Tailored Packages: Whether you need a few hours of assistance each week or full-time support, we offer a variety of packages to fit your needs. Our most popular package starts at 40 hours per month, but you can easily adjust this based on your workload.

  • Scalability: As your business grows, you can scale up your Virtual Executive Assistant support. Need more hours or additional Virtual Executive Assistants? No problem. We can quickly adapt to your increased demands.

Adaptable Task Management:

  • Dynamic Task Allocation: Your Virtual Executive Assistant can handle a wide range of tasks, from administrative duties to project management. As your priorities shift, so can the tasks you delegate to your Virtual Executive Assistant.

  • Ongoing Adjustments: We regularly check in to ensure your Virtual Executive Assistant is meeting your needs. If your requirements change, we can easily adjust the focus and responsibilities of your Virtual Executive Assistant or find you a new one that has a different skill set.

Seamless Integration:

  • Quick Onboarding: Our Virtual Executive Assistants are trained to quickly integrate into your business processes. This means minimal disruption when you need to make changes.

  • Flexibility in Tools: Our Virtual Executive Assistants are familiar with the tools and platforms you’re already using, ensuring a smooth transition and easy adaptation to new tools if needed.

Dedicated Support:

  • Customer Success Manager: You’ll have a dedicated Customer Success Manager who is there to assist with any changes or additional support you might need. They ensure that your experience with Worxbee is always tailored to your current business environment.

  • Continuous Improvement: We’re committed to your success. Our ongoing support includes regular reviews and adjustments to ensure you’re getting the most out of your Virtual Executive Assistant.

At Worxbee, we pride ourselves on providing flexible and scalable Virtual Executive Assistant services that grow with your business. Whether you need to ramp up support during a busy season or scale back during quieter times, we’re here to adapt and ensure you always have the right level of assistance.

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8. What if other leaders on my team need support in the future?

At Worxbee, we understand that different leaders have unique needs, and providing personalized support is crucial for maximizing productivity and efficiency. Here’s how we handle support for multiple team members:

Dedicated Executive Assistants:

  • Individual Focus: Unlike companies that assign one Virtual Executive Assistant to support multiple team members, we provide each leader with their own dedicated Executive Assistant. This ensures personalized, undivided attention and support tailored to each leader's specific needs, personalities, and work styles.

  • Consistency: Having a dedicated Virtual Executive Assistant means that each leader can build a strong working relationship with their assistant, leading to better communication, understanding, and overall efficiency.


  • Flexible Expansion: As your team grows or additional leaders require support, we can seamlessly scale our services to provide additional dedicated Virtual Executive Assistants. Whether you need to add one more Virtual Executive Assistant or several, we’ve got you covered.

  • Tailored Matching: Each new Virtual Executive Assistant is matched specifically to the leader they will support, taking into account the leader’s work style, personality, and specific needs. This ensures a perfect fit and maximizes the effectiveness of the support provided.

Collaborative Support:

  • Team Coordination: While each leader has a dedicated Virtual Executive Assistant, our assistants can collaborate with each other to ensure cohesive support across your organization. This is particularly useful for company-wide initiatives or projects that involve multiple leaders.

With Worxbee, you can be confident that every leader in your team will receive the dedicated, personalized support they need to thrive. Our approach ensures that your entire leadership team is supported in a way that enhances productivity, fosters strong working relationships, and meets the unique needs of each individual.

RELATED: How Personalized Executive Assistant Support Elevates Your Team

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9. What sets Worxbee apart from other Virtual Executive Assistant providers?

Worxbee stands out in the Virtual Executive Assistant industry for several reasons, ensuring that you receive top-tier support tailored to your unique needs. Here are the key features that set us apart:

Personalized Matching:

  • Custom Fit: We take the time to understand your specific requirements, work style, and communication preferences through our Business DNA® assessment. This ensures that we match you with a Virtual Executive Assistant who not only has the right skills but also aligns perfectly with your personality and work style.

  • Interview Process: Unlike many other providers, we allow you to interview potential Virtual Executive Assistants to find the best fit for your business. This personal touch helps create a strong working relationship from the start.

100% U.S.-Based Virtual Executive Assistants:

  • Seamless Communication: All our Virtual Executive Assistants are based in the United States, ensuring clear communication, cultural alignment, and adherence to nationwide business practices.

  • High Standards: Our U.S.-based Virtual Executive Assistants are highly experienced and undergo rigorous screening and training to meet our high standards of excellence.

Ongoing Customer Support:

  • Dedicated Customer Success Manager: From the initial consultation to ongoing support, you’ll have a dedicated Customer Success Manager who is committed to your success. They are there to assist with any needs or adjustments, ensuring a smooth and productive working relationship.

  • Regular Check-Ins: We conduct regular check-ins to ensure that your Virtual Executive Assistant continues to meet your needs and to address any changes or additional support requirements.

Exclusive Resources:

  • Proprietary Resources: Worxbee created our proprietary Admin Roadmap® to support you at every turn. This resource guide enhances your journey with us and includes:

    • Onboarding Checklist: To ensure a smooth start.

    • Communication Strategies: To foster effective collaboration.

    • Productivity Toolkit: Tools and tips to maximize efficiency.

    • Executive Assistant Check-In Template: To maintain regular and productive check-ins.

    • Additional Resources & Tools: For continuous improvement and support.

Happiness Guarantee:

  • Free Re-Pairing: If your Virtual Executive Assistant match isn't perfect, we will re-pair you with another Virtual Executive Assistant at no additional cost, ensuring you always have the perfect fit.

  • Flexibility: We offer flexible terms with no long-term commitment required, allowing you to adjust your support as your needs change.

  • Dedicated Support: Enjoy personalized, ongoing support to ensure your satisfaction and success with our services.

  • Opt-Out Option: If we don’t find the perfect initial match for you, you have the option to opt out, providing peace of mind and confidence in our commitment to your satisfaction.

Specialized Expertise:

  • Executive-Level Support: Our Virtual Executive Assistants are not just general assistants; they are specialized in providing high-level executive support. This includes strategic planning, project management, stakeholder communication, and more.

  • Continuous Training: We provide resources for professional development for our Virtual Executive Assistants, ensuring they stay updated with the latest tools and best practices in executive support.

By choosing Worxbee, you’re not just hiring a Virtual Executive Assistant—you’re gaining a dedicated partner committed to enhancing your productivity and helping you achieve your business goals. Our personalized approach, high standards, and unwavering commitment to your satisfaction make us the premier choice for executive support.

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10. How much do your services cost?

Our pricing is straightforward and designed to provide you with flexible, top-tier support. Here's a breakdown:

  • Hourly Rate: $69 per hour of Virtual Executive Assistant support.

  • Popular Package: Our most popular package is $2,760 for 40 hours per month. This package is a great starting point, providing ample support to enhance your productivity and streamline your operations.

  • No Hidden Fees: Our pricing is transparent, with no onboarding fees and no hidden fees.

This flexible pricing structure ensures that you receive the exact level of support you need, with the ability to scale up as your business demands increase. Our goal is to provide high-quality, personalized Virtual Executive Assistant services that fit your budget and help you achieve your business goals.

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Next Steps

We hope this has answered some of your most pressing questions about hiring a Virtual Executive Assistant through Worxbee. Our goal is to provide you with the information and confidence you need to make an informed decision about enhancing your business operations with high-quality executive support.

If you have any additional questions or if you’re ready to take the next step, we encourage you to schedule a complimentary consultation. We’re here to help you navigate the process and find the perfect Virtual Executive Assistant to meet your unique needs.


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