Virtual Executive Assistant Spotlight - Beth

Worxbee Virtual Executive Assistant - Beth

Beth Beutler is the newest Executive Assistant to join the Worxbee Virtual Executive Assistant network. She has been in office administration/executive assistance for more than 30 years! Despite the challenges, she loves running a business and putting her administrative, leadership, communication and creative skills to work.  Most of her career has been spent in the small business or non-profit sector, positioning herself to be a fitting help to entrepreneurs--especially those with a mission. She is also a #TEAMCHAMPION Virtual Executive Assistant type. Read on to learn more about Beth!

When did you start partnering with Worxbee?

February, 2019.

What’s your spirit animal?

I'm not too familiar with the whole spirit animal thing. Let's go with cat because of balance between independence and desire for socializing, curiosity, love of exploring, flexibility/adaptability and surprising people at times. Also they land on their feet when facing a set back/failure. I'm also very fond of a mouse - I insist on using a mouse instead of a trackpad. lol

What do you like to do when you are not delighting your clients?

Explore, plan fun outings, travel, try new places.

What is your secret to success when managing a full roster of clients?

Using recurring task features in apps; making a lot of task lists and letting those guide your day.

If you could go back, what would you tell yourself at the start of your career?

I would tell myself to embrace the idea that being a savvy generalist is a specialty all its own, and not a curse. Don't fall for that lie.

What is something that not many people know about you?

That I once won a contest that allowed me to be a social media reporter for a NASCAR cup race for driver Clint Bowyer. It was a several day experience including sitting on pit box, and having my name on the car (I have the fender in my office) as well as having a team shirt and being out on pit road with the team during the opening ceremony.

Where is your home town?

Fountain Inn SC but born/raised in New England.

Who do you admire most in the world and why?

I admire Jesus Christ. He is a model for my values and behavior.

Do you have any hidden talents?

I play the flute and recently wrote a song with lyrics due to a songwriting group I became part of. Writing non-fiction comes fairly easily to me, but writing poetry with music was something I hadn't really ever done in a way where it will be used in public (that's the plan anyway, at church later this year.) But it actually happened pretty smoothly and I look forward to the public use of it!

To learn more about Worxbee and find the right Virtual Executive Assistant match for your company, feel free to schedule a complimentary consultation.


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