Virtual Executive Assistant Spotlight- Yvetta

Worxbee Virtual Executive Spotlight - Yvetta

Yvetta Lambert is an Executive Assistant expert that has supported a wide array of businesses and organizations from large corporations in NYC where she was born and raised, to small non-profit agencies, and even virtual companies from all over the United States. She loves to help companies build programs from the ground up. She is also a #TEAMCHAMPION Virtual Executive Assistant type. When Yvetta is not supporting her clients, she is helping children in the foster care system, mentoring at risk youth, or spending quality time with her family. Read on to get to know Yvetta a little better!

When did you start partnering with Worxbee? December 2017

What’s your spirit animal? Panda Bear

What do you like to do when you are not delighting your clients? I love to cook for my family and friends.

What is your secret to success when managing a full roster of clients? I plan my days so I can cross each item off of my list as I go.

If you could go back, what would you tell yourself at the start of your career? Every client is not for you. Choose clients that fit well with your work style and your niche.

What is something that not a lot of people know about you? I sing very well but I'm very shy.

Where is your home town? Bay Shore, NY

Who do you admire most in the world and why? My mother! My mother is the alchemist, she constantly turned our nothing into something. Even when we didn't have she made sure to share with others in need. My mom has always shown us the beauty of giving. She has always been passionate about helping those in need and I am so grateful having watched her throughout my life and learning her ways. Now I am able to help those in need and I am sure to do just that every chance I get.

To learn more about Worxbee and find the right Virtual Executive Assistant match for your company, feel free to schedule a complimentary consultation.


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