How You Hire — or Don’t Hire — When the Economy is in Flux

Interview Executive Assistant

Inflation can hit hard in an unpredictable economic environment. Things can change quickly, no matter what industry you’re in. Knowing when – or if – to hire when the economy is in flux can mean the difference between future turmoil or future growth.  

At Worxbee, we get it: you’re dealing with rising costs, labor issues, and an unpredictable supply chain. Maybe you’re facing layoffs or struggling to hire, and still trying to increase your productivity and bottom line. 

If it feels like you can’t win, maybe it’s time to rethink the solution — and ditch the traditional hiring process.  

Hiring a part-time Virtual Executive Assistant is a proven way to advance your business. Not convinced? Our CEO, Kenzie Biggins, lays out some helpful info for busy business leaders. 

A Proven Modern Hiring Solution

The economy is on everybody's mind; we are in a point of economic flux where a lot of people have over-hired and they're trying to reduce,” says Kenzie Biggins, Founder and CEO of Worxbee. “There used to be a mindset that every employee had to be a W-2, or they weren't really committed to your company. I don't think that is true anymore.” 

There is amazing talent out there, people who are very dedicated — but they’re working from home or virtually for the flexibility. They want to feel valued for their skillsets over just the loyalty of showing up in an office every day. 

If you’re concerned that working with someone fractionally, such as with an independent contractor, is a risk, consider this: hiring full-time employees — including Executive Assistants — can be even more costly and risky, because it can require extensive time spent training only to discover the fit isn’t right.  

In some cases, you actually have more to lose if you don't take the chance in trying a service like Worxbee,” says Biggins. “Plus, you can always go back and hire somebody if it doesn’t work out.”  

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New Ways for CEO Productivity

Here’s the truth: the majority of the people who are the experts in their field, like experienced VEAs, have embraced this new way of working for the control it brings.  

As a busy leader, you benefit from that by gaining the power of controlled scalability for your own business — which is also less risky in the end. 

Not knowing what’s coming next is part of being in business,” laughs Biggins. “If you're going to be in business for more than 10 years, you're going to experience some type of economic fluctuation. So, it's not just about how you are responding in that moment to economic instability, but how you are creating an environment that can stand the test of time as the economy moves forward. Worxbee can help with that.” 

A Virtual Executive Assistant (VEA) is the Way for Busy Leaders 

It’s proven that an admin can save you time and money. Worxbee pairs you with the right Virtual Executive Assistant (VEA) who is ready to tackle your everyday projects. This allows you to have more time for the important stuff.  

If you are ready to get back the time you deserve as an executive, then contact Worxbee to set up a Discovery Call.


How CEOs and Executive Assistants Work Better Together: Why You Need an Action Plan 


Why Advancing Education for Admin Professionals Matters—For Executives, Too